Drove Double Digit Tea Sales for Decades
Our Strategy
- Pioneered the “functional-foods” trend by communicating health benefits of phytonutrients beyond basic nutrition
- Conducted series of international scientific meetings as platform to communicate tea’s benefits
- Insured adequate “news” window for member brands to showcase their individual product benefits while contributing to the overall good health “halo” for tea
- Raised awareness of health benefits of tea to 76 percent among current tea drinkers
- Provided unique platform for Specialty Tea companies to utilize as point of differentiation versus other beverages
- 24% growth in the black tea market since 1991
- 127% growth in green tea market since 1991
Tapped Tea Event & Twitter Promo to Push Tea Buzz
Our Strategy
- Increased social media buzz across all platforms by creating the #IndividualiTEA sweepstakes to engage consumers
- Leveraged the media frenzy surrounding Mariah Carey demanding Hot Tea on New Year’s Eve in Time’s Square
- Generated 622 placements and 360,923,314 impressions in traditional and social media
- Received 1,876 entries
- 13% increase in Twitter followers