Consumers have an insatiable appetite for information about health and wellness. And, fortunately, consumers are listening to the best sources for better-for-you guidance: Registered Dietitians (RD). It’s no surprise since the ADA “Nutrition and You: Trends” survey reported back in 2008 that 78% of consumers consider dietitians to be the most credible source of nutrition information.
It’s good news that consumers are listening to RDs for health and wellness guidance, but it isn’t in the dietitian’s office that consumers form their eating habits. Consumers are now looking to the RD in the supermarket to help guide them through the aisles at their local grocery store and to help them make their purchase decisions!
According to the 2009 Grocery Manufacturers Association consumer survey, 62% of shoppers listed nutritional and other health information as a key purchase decision. A National Grocers’ Association survey also found that 77% of shoppers would like for their store to offer in-store dietitian services. Supermarkets have taken note, and are hiring RDs to conduct supermarket tours, cooking demos, and develop monthly health newsletters and FSI’s to reach customers.
According to the article Dietitians in Supermarkets: The New Age of Nutrition, written by Hy-Vee Dietitian Greta Farley, “Supermarkets started to hire dietitians about ten years ago when they realized there is a connection between consumer supermarket shopping and healthy food choices. Many customers do not know what to look for in a healthy food item when they go grocery shopping. Customers need someone credible who can answer these questions when they are in the store.”
Supermarket RDs are an excellent way to reach consumers when they make their purchase decisions, to guide them to making healthier choices for themselves and their families. So next time you head to the market, see if you can find tips and services by the Supermarket RD to help you have a healthier grocery experience!
PCI Health Buzz for Check Out with Lara Flanagan!