Check out with Lara Flanagan: Shoppers Know Best

The new 2011 American Pantry Survey results were released last month. According to the Deloitte/Harrison Group annual American Pantry Survey, consumers are researching brands and prices before they go shopping rather than making on-the-spot decisions in the store. The results show that 90% of shoppers know what they are buying before they arrive at a store and 83% have a set of brands in mind that they will consider.

Not only do shoppers know what they want in advance, they report that they are more confident in their shopping habits than they were a year ago. The results show that:

  • 75% of survey respondents assert that that they are smarter shoppers than they were a year ago
  • 86% believe they are getting more precise in what they buy
  • 80% say they have become more efficient at getting in and out of the store

“Shoppers today expect to get a deal on the products they purchase. With this mindset, it is critical that consumer products companies take measures to enhance brand loyalty by connecting early and often with key audiences in environments outside of the store,” says Pat Conroy, Vice Chairman, Deloitte LLP and consumer products sector leader in a post on the Deloitte website. Brands can take heed by communicating with shoppers through channels outside of the store in addition to their traditional shopper marketing tactics.

Consumers have come to expect sales and discounts before they enter the supermarket. Modern day technology has enhanced consumer’s ability to plan shopping trips in advance. Supermarkets build customer loyalty by sending sales information and coupons via e-mail, smart phone apps and websites like Living Social and Groupon. Consumers are smarter because of the many tools at their disposal. Gone are the days when the daily Sunday newspaper was the only source for coupons outside of the store!

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